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Art works

trace #001

Title: trace #001
Author: comma02

Materials: disused tin, 231.9°C

Approximate size: 195 x 395 x 40 (mm), including frame

Approximate weight: 500 (g), including frame

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Coming soon

Our Mission

Passing down of Japanese culture is facing limitations within the current system. We, Art thousand, consider such situation to be a critical social issue and set out to resolve it collectively.


All comes to nothingness. Trees decay. Rocks spall. After cycles of regenerations and circulations, they will reborn just as a drop of rain, that moisten the moss of a garden, then eventually seeping into the layers of solid soil, deep down the ocean.


We extract the essence of the culture rooted in the history, and express it in the form of contemporary art. Through the sustainable cycle of economy, we aim to create an organically grown, ever-expanding entity. That entire structure is what we propose as the Scheme Art. (...Read more)

Studio / Office

Kyoto, Japan


Artist collective "comma"

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